The Sanskrit name Viparita Karani comes from viparita meaning reversed or inverted and karani meaning action. Stand in front of a wall about a foot away. Yoga Pose To Relieve Stress Legs Up The Wall Poses How To Relieve Stress Start by standing about one to two feet away from a wall. Legs Up The Wall Calves . 3 Sets 10-15 repetitions per set For Beginners Equipment Required-No Equipment required. Run on flat terrain when outdoors to slim down your legs thighs and calf muscles. Hill Sprints or Sprints. By adding the Wall Stretch to your routine youre actively allowing your leg. Then slowly lower your heel until it is in line with your toes. Stand facing a wall. Bring your hips close to the wall keeping your leg straight. The calf muscles and the deep veins have a network of valves and pumps. Keep your right heel rooted in the floor. The gastroc has two heads. Now straighten your right leg by pressing the calf into the block while simultaneously pressing yo...