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Paschimottanasana Muscles

Massages and tones the abdominal and pelvic organs. Traditional texts say that Paschimottanasana increases appetite reduces obesity and cures diseases. Paschimottanasana The Seated Forward Bend B E N E F I T S Stretches The Hamstrings On The Back Anatomia De Yoga Ejercicios De Yoga Ejercicios De Estiramiento It loosens up the hip joint and the muscles. Paschimottanasana Muscles . It is a forward bend with one foot in half lotus. Most obviously forward bends stretch the muscles of the lower spine pelvis and legs. Interestingly the front part of the body is called the East and the back is usually called the West. This group of muscles are located along the spine and deep to underneath the erector spinae muscles. In addition the upper back kidneys and adrenal glands are stretched and stimulated thus making Paschimottanasana a potentially therapeutic pose for those with respiratory or kidney problems as well as for those who suffer from adrenal exhaustion. The entire body is s