Lean to the right and sway your hips to the left without leaning back. GolfYoga will directly increase your strength flexibility core stability coordination cardiovascular health focus and most importantly balance. Exercises For Golfer Improve Your Game With Golf Exercise Golf Exercises For Flexibility Flexibility Workout Workout Programs Workout Yoga golf fitness The goal of The Golf Yogi is to bridge the gap between the practice range and the fitness room. Yoga Golf Exercises . If your hips are very tight sit on a block or folded blanket until you can sit with a straight spine. Keep your back straight and take deep breaths. Strength-training cardiovascular-training and tissue therapy. Yoga For Golfers is a 20 minute yoga sequence to help you improve your game and find balance in both the mind and body. The twist improves the range of motion in the spine while developing lower body strength. Rotate your trunk away from the wall. Keep your shoulders and hips squar...