Legs-up-the-wall pose or viparita karani is a supported restorative yoga inversion. After the body has been heated lengthened and wrung out by postures it releases during the inversions and a luminous quiet washes into all of its tissues. Top 5 Pregnancy Poses Sheknows Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose is best when practiced with blankets underneath the neck and with a wall or other tall flat upright. Legs Up The Wall Research . Articles Health Immunity Research Longevity Research Yoga Yoga for Stress Relief Yoga Postures Yoga Research. Yes the heart has to work harder to bring blood to the feet in this pose than when standing or sitting but not all that much harder because the torso is not. Initially it will be difficult for you to sustain for 15 to 20 minutes. The reason why this question comes up is that there is an important guideline to avoid inversions when you are menstruating because they disrupt the downward flow of menstrual flow. Legs Up the Wall Pose is a passive pose mean...