In English its translation is Lord of the Dance no not Michael Flatley but rather the original bad ass Hindu God Shiva aka The Great Destroyer. Try Gaiam Yoga Mat. Variation Of Natarajasana Dancer Pose Yoga Dancers Pose Yoga Poses The name of this asana comes from a combination of words derived from Sanskrit language. Natarajasana Pose Meaning . The Hindu god Shiva is called Nataraja in his form as a cosmic dancer. In Natarajasana Dancer Pose Nata Dancer and Raja Lord or King. Nataraja is dancing avatar of Lord Shiva who depicted his love for dance music and art. Definition - What does Natarajasana mean. Natarajasana also referred to as Dancer Pose or King Dancer puts our bodies into a beautiful shape and is a fun way to practice balance and concentration. Natarajasana or Lord of the dance yoga takes its name from god Shiva-the lord of dancers. The name Natarajasana na-Tuh-Rah-Jah-sana is derived from the combination of the Sanskrit words Nata Dancer Raja King and...