Akarna Dhanurasana Benefits 1. Avoid straining and pushing the body beyond the limits as it may cause pain in the back neck legs ankles thighs knees hips or feet. 50 Different Yoga Asanas That Every Beginner Should Know Styles At Life Yoga Poses Basic Yoga Poses Yoga Asanas Dhanurasana too has certain donts or contraindications a few are mentioned below. Dhanurasana Limitations . As the pose has a strong impact on the abdominal area women who are pregnant should avoid this. Limitations Those who are suffering from problems such as back pain hernia high blood pressure headache abdomen surgery and migraine should not practice this yoga position. How to Perform Dhanurasana. Place both of your hands beside your head and keep them beneath your shoulders in a way that the fingers turns towards the legs. Precautions for Purna Dhanurasana Full Bow Pose The precautions for Purna Dhanurasana to be kept in mind are given below. As there are benefits in any yoga practice there are cer...