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Sun Salutation Discipline

The Sun Salutations 12 asanas are designed to synchronize the physical cycle with the solar cycle to maintain a level of vibration readiness receptivity and help you to manifest a body and spirit that. Sun Salutation helps us feel refreshed and keeps us going through the day. Sun Salutation Exercices De Yoga Yoga Facile Yoga In Indian tradition and culture Yoga has always been a part of the daily regime for attaining and sustaining a healthy life. Sun Salutation Discipline . When performed along with the movement of breath it stimulates the vital organs thus helping in removing toxins from the body and bringing balance in the pranic energy. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is the Ultimate Asana King of all Poses and an ancient discipline known to express gratitude to the Sun our source of life. Improved blood circulation results in low cholesterol levels and improved heart health. Hence Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation has a range of effects on the human body. The number h...