Hold this pose for about five breaths or as many as you would like do not hurt yourself by sustaining this posture longer than you can handle. The practitioner can begin either in crow pose or for a more advanced transition in a head stand. Bakasana Crane Yoga Pose Image Yoga Poses Poses Crow Pose As you begin bakasana keep the shoulders from pressing into your ears and keep the shoulder blades from curving in or out. Bakasana English . The English name of this asana is called Crow Pose as the body resembles a crow when the body is in final position. Create a personalized feed and bookmark your favorites. Parsva Bakasana is a advanced level yoga pose that is performed in sitting position. Bakasana Crow Pose is an arm balancing posture. So aware yourself about the steps and benefits of Bakasana along with precautions. In all variations these are arm balancing poses in which hands are planted on the floor shins rest upon upper arms and feet lift up. A compact arm ba...