Sun salutation B stretches the spine neck abdomen arms and legs. Sun Salutation B Benefits 1. Pin On Yoga Sequences See How to Modify Downward Facing Dog during Pregnancy Dont rush. Sun Salutation In Pregnancy . Acute inflammation high blood pressure coronary artery diseases Hernia Intestinal tuberculosis Severe back problems slipped disc Sciatica Menstruation 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. However some of these asanas may not be suitable for you as you progress with your pregnancy or when your pregnancy belly grows. You experience a sharp sense of awareness and your whole body is toned and becomes flexible. Basic Sun Salutation Modifications for Pregnancy Considerations Keep your feet at least hip-distance wide. However as your belly gets bigger there are some recommended adaptations to the classic sun salutation poses that are intended to feel more comfortable and to help prepare your body for delivery. Prayanama Yoga refers to the yoga techniques of controlling the ...