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Cat Cow Pose Plank

The moment you detach your knees from the mat and stretch your legs and core parallel to the floor you achieve the magical and versatile Plank Pose. It is not uncommon to stay kneeling on hands and knees in these postures for quite a while especially if you practice variations with limbs extended. Pin On Yoga On your inhale use the core muscles to shift the body forward aligning shoulders above wrists. Cat Cow Pose Plank . A wonderful way to start off any yoga practice is with a round Cat Pose to Cow Pose. Begin the morning and night with 6 minutes of Childs Pose Cat-Cow and Pigeon Pose. Cow Pose to Cat Pose. Cat-cow pose elongates the spine and releases tension in the back muscles. This makes your body ready to receive other poses without the risk of injuring yourself or needlessly stressing your back. It relaxes your spine and relieves tension in your shoulders neck and torso. Your abdomen and vital organs will thank you for being energized by this pose as your