It can also help strengthen and shape your legs ease shoulder stiffness and slow your heartbeat. Adho Mukha Svanasana also helps in treating menstrual symptoms like menstrual pain and discomfort. Downward Facing Dog Pose Four Limbed Staff Pose Flow Yoga Adho Mukha Svanasana Chaturanga Dandasana Vinyasa Yoga Sequences Benefits Variations And Sansk Types Of Yoga Vinyasa Yoga Dog Poses During downward-dog focus on the details of your inhale and exhale to hone your attention. Downward Facing Dog Benefits And Contraindications . Contraindications of the Downward Facing Dog Pose Adho Mukha Svanasana Avoid doing this asana if you suffer from high blood pressure Carpel tunnel syndrome detached eye retina weak eye capillaries dislocated shoulder shoulder injury or diarrhea. Bent Knee Downward Dog. The pose strengthens the upper body and stretches the back of the body. Ways to Adapt Downward-Facing Dog 1. Down Dog offers many benefits. Benefits Contraindications Benefits. I...