The Dhanurasana or the Bow pose helps in massaging the abdominal organs strengthens the chest thighs back and improves the digestion All of which help in weight loss. This pose is considered as a great hip opener and it also opens the hamstrings. Yoga is very helpful for us and we all are about yogas benefit. Dhanurasana Fayde . Health Turmeric Milk Benefits हलद वल दध पन क फयद. Jal Neti is a process of cleansing the nasal path. Neem ke fayde in hindi. Aiye jaane salabhasana kaise kare in hindi aur salabhasan ke fayde. Dhanu ka matlab English mein Bow hota hai. Check it outSubscribe on YouTube. Dhanurasana DAH-noo-RAH-suh-nuh is an excellent back bending yoga pose for increasing and regaining spinal strength and flexibility. Papita Khane ke Fayde Aur Nuksan. But dhanurashan is more helpful for health. Dhanurasana aapko kai fayde dega lekin iski kriya ko sahi tarike se karna avshayak hai. Sanskrit mein Salabh ka matlab hota hai locust ya tidd...