Do not put too much emphasis on your body during the initial exercise. Paschimottanasana in literal terms means an intense stretch of the west. 3 488 Mentions J Aime 34 Commentaires Yoga Teacher Thetwomartinas Martina Rando Sur Instagram Quot Mar Easy Yoga Workouts Yoga Help Yoga Tutorial The asana focuses on the spine of the body. Paschimottanasana Tips . Avoid extra push if youre uncomfortable in Paschimottanasana. If your hands reach your feet wrap your first two fingers and thumbs around your big toes. How to do Paschimottanasana or the Seated Forward Bend yoga pose. Keep your spine erect and toes flexed toward you. And you will gradually become proficient in this asana. Then try to lean forward slowly. Paschimottanasana adalah bagian dari gerakan yoga yang membentuk pose duduk membungkuk atau peregangan punggung secara intensif adalah sebuah asana. Meaning of Seated Forward Bend Pose Pachimottanasana The name Seated Forward Bend Pose comes from the Sanskrit n...