Place a foam block on its narrow end on the bolster. This will make the practice a lot easier. Supta Kapotasana Reclined Pigeon Yoga Pose 1 Yoga Sequence For Beginners Yoga Sequences Easy Yoga Workouts When and how to do Kapotasana to the wall. Kapotasana With Wall . In this video I give instruction for using the wall to help refine the leg foundation. Standing Backbend at the Wall. Mar 2 2018 - 2603k Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from iyengaryoga hashtag. Send an email to. See more ideas about kapotasana iyengar yoga iyengar. Kneel on a mat and a folded blanket facing away from the wall so that the toes are a forearms length away from the wall. In Sanskrit supta refers to reclined kapota means pigeon asana is pose. Place your left leg in a lunge with your shin perpendicular to the floor. You can approximate this pose by kneeling with your back to a wall big toes or soles touching the wall. What is Kapotasana to the wall Kapotasana is the third ...