Get started with our series of Ashtanga yoga that is the perfect yoga for beginners. Ensure that your legs are together. Yoga Is The Physical Mental And Spiritual Practices Or Disciplines Which Originated In Ancient India With A View To Attain Yoga For Beginners Fish Pose Yoga In meditation and in Matsyasana Fish Pose we gaze toward the Ajna Chakra the third eye. Matsyasana Drishti . Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra third eye between the eyebrows Learn More. Allowing the eyes to wander creates distractions that flow prana vitality out of us. Fish Pose Variation Lotus Matsyasana Variation Lotus. It needs special attention and care. Merits of Matsyasana or Fish Pose. In Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward-Facing Dog Pose we use Nabi Chakra Drishti gazing at the navel. The third eye or space between the brows known as Broomadhya drishti used in matsyasana Fish pose The navel known as Nabi chakra drishti used in downward facing dog pose. Matsyasana Fish Pose Fig 12. Gazing at the ...