With regular practice this asana makes the hips extremely flexible. Stimulates the abdominal organs. Hanumanasana Or The Monkey Pose Monkey Pose Yoga Information Yoga Poses Benefits of Hanumanasana- The bending of the leg muscles also will help bring stability from the hips. Benefits Of Hanumanasana . Hanumanasana yoga steps benefits the body to become more flexible and agile. This seat makes the legs and buttocks flexible and enhances blood circulation in them. The Yoga Monkey Pose helps open your hips squared to the front. Have your partner stand straddling your pelvis. Perform Hanumanasana with the arms raised. This yoga pose also stimulates the abdominal organs and improves their functioning. The partner can help you create a lift through the arms in the completed pose. This tones the hamstrings thighs groins and hip flexors. The Monkey Pose gets its name from the Hindu Monkey God Hanuman. Increasing flexibility alignment and balance. Janu Sirsasana B...